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Comment 141 for Informal Public Comments on the Proposed Advanced Clean Fleets Rulemaking (acf-comments-ws) - 1st Workshop.

First Name: Sarah
Last Name: Sachs
Email Address:
Affiliation: Ceres

Subject: Businesses Support a More Ambitious Clean Fleets Rule
I'm pleased to deliver a letter signed by 45 major companies,
health care systems, and investors in support of a more ambitious
Advanced Clean Fleets regulation (see attachment). Signatories
represent footprints in over 38 states and strongly support
California adopting the most ambitious standards for this
regulation to accelerate vehicle electrification across states.
They see adopting strong vehicle standards as necessary and
feasible, with the potential for significant climate, economic, and
public health benefits across the U.S. 


Original File Name: Businesses Support a More Ambitious Clean Fleets Rule.pdf

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2022-05-31 11:15:32

If you have any questions or comments please contact Office of the Ombudsman at (916) 327-1266.

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