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Comment 1 for Dairy Subgroup 3 Comment Docket (for research and enteric) (dairysubgrp3-ws) - 1st Workshop.

First Name: Todd
Last Name: Shuman
Email Address:
Affiliation: Wasteful Unreasonable Methane Uprising

Subject: Enteric Emissions Research Request and Sub-Group #3
To ARB and CDFA,

I request that ARB and CDFA explore, fund, and promote (through
funding for pilot projects) measures to capture and or
reduce enteric methane emissions from livestock. I am resubmitting
for the record the most salient section from previous group SLCP RS
comments submitted to ARB in January, 2017 concerning this matter
so as to inform the Dairy and Livestock Subgroup #3 that is being
convened on August 14, 2017.  

I also request that ARB and CDFA seriously explore and encourage
widespread adoption of the red seaweed methane mitigation approach
that Dr. Jim Stewart has previously mentioned in oral comments to
ARB. Below is an abstract concerning this approach that has been
demonstrated in vitro. In vivo demonstration of this approach is
reportedly currently under way.


Todd Shuman,   2260 Camilar Dr. Camarillo, CA 93010 805.236.1422


Excerpt from January 17, 2017 Comments to ARB:

"We again propose that CA ARB, the legislature, and the Governor
explore and consider enacting some or all of the following to
reduce enteric emissions in California: measures to promote
mandatory livestock herd size reduction; mandates that compel the
development of enclosed barns-vented-to-biofilter treatment systems
that capture emitted dairy-associated methane before it escapes
into the atmosphere **; and requirements that grazing cattle shall
wear gas-collecting, plastic-bag-expanding backpack technology that
captures emitted enteric methane so it can be burnt rather than
belched into the atmosphere.  
Concerning the latter strategy, we submit for the record the
attached Government of Argentina INTA Reports, in Spanish and
Google-translated English, as well as again submitting internet
links concerning this approach. [Use Google Search to access the
following links to see demonstrations of the technology:, , See also
the  video, on  YouTube, titled  "producción de energía  de gases
We propose that CA ARB explore the idea of evaluating, replicating,
financing, and promoting further development of the biotech
gas-collecting cow backpack methane capture concept and
technological system to facilitate capture of ruminant-associated
methane due to enteric fermentation.  
We encourage CA ARB to procure a full translation of the full
report, and evaluate the experimental results in the context of the
SLCP Reduction Strategy CEQA analysis currently underway, and also
make an English translation of the report available to the

We believe that this approach may be one that might potentially
meet the requirements of the enteric emissions provision of SB 1383
in the future, though it is possible that more work may need to be
done to address the question of economic viability, along with
other requirements specified in SB 1383. A more extensive
collective infrastructure might (or might not) ultimately be
required to make implementation and widespread dissemination of
this biotechnological approach a reality. 

Still, the concept deserves a “good faith” evaluation by CA ARB and
an assessment as to what might be needed to establish enhanced
viability of this particular biotechnological methane capture
approach in the future. [We also note that the technique developed
by INTA also captures a substantial amount of rumen-generated
carbon dioxide, which could constitute a source gas for future CO2
conversion into ethanol - see]."

** I  wish to note for the record that the recommendation that ARB
investigate the enclosed freestall barn approach for methane
capture was first stated (and submitted to ARB) by a large
coalition of organizations as far back as June 10, 2015:  "By
letter dated June 10, 2015, environmental justice and environmental
organizations urged the State Board to investigate and include
additional control options in the Strategy, including ... (2)
enclosed freestall barns and anaerobic digesters vented to
biofilter systems to capture and treat methane and volatile organic
compound (VOC) emissions without the negative consequence of
increased NOx emissions in the San Joaquin Valley. [10] "
[10]  Letter from Brent Newell, et al. to Ryan McCarthy and Craig
Segall, June 10, 2015. {Quote taken from CRPE comments to ARB, late
October, 2015}


The red macroalgae Asparagopsis taxiformis is a potent natural
antimethanogenic that reduces methane production during in vitro
fermentation with rumen fluid

Robert D. Kinley A C , Rocky de Nys B , Matthew J. Vucko B ,
Lorenna Machado B and Nigel W. Tomkins A    
A CSIRO Agriculture, Australian Tropical Science and Innovation
Precinct, James Cook University, Townsville, Qld 4811, Australia. 
B MACRO-Centre for Macroalgal Resources and Biotechnology, College
of Marine and Environmental Sciences, James Cook University,
Townsville, Qld 4811, Australia. 
C Corresponding author. Email: 
Animal Production Science 56(3) 282-289
Submitted: 14 September 2015  Accepted: 23 November 2015  
Published: 9 February 2016

Livestock feed modification is a viable method for reducing methane
emissions from ruminant livestock. Ruminant enteric methane is
responsible approximately to 10% of greenhouse gas emissions in
Australia. Some species of macroalgae have antimethanogenic
activity on in vitro fermentation. This study used in vitro
fermentation with rumen inoculum to characterise increasing
inclusion rates of the red macroalga Asparagopsis taxiformis on
enteric methane production and digestive efficiency throughout 72-h
fermentations. At dose levels ≤1% of substrate organic matter
there was minimal effect on gas and methane production. However,
inclusion ≥2% reduced gas and eliminated methane production
in the fermentations indicating a minimum inhibitory dose level.
There was no negative impact on substrate digestibility for
macroalgae inclusion ≤5%, however, a significant reduction
was observed with 10% inclusion. Total volatile fatty acids were
not significantly affected with 2% inclusion and the acetate levels
were reduced in favour of increased propionate and, to a lesser
extent, butyrate which increased linearly with increasing dose
levels. A barrier to commercialisation of Asparagopsis is the mass
production of this specific macroalgal biomass at a scale to
provide supplementation to livestock. Another area requiring
characterisation is the most appropriate method for processing
(dehydration) and feeding to livestock in systems with variable
feed quality and content. The in vitro assessment method used here
clearly demonstrated that Asparagopsis can inhibit methanogenesis
at very low inclusion levels whereas the effect in vivo has yet to
be confirmed.


Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2017-08-14 13:46:54

If you have any questions or comments please contact Office of the Ombudsman at (916) 327-1266.

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