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Comment 2 for Draft Natural and Working Lands Implementation Plan (nwldraftplan-ws) - 1st Workshop.

First Name: jennifer
Last Name: wood
Email Address:
Affiliation: USDA-NRCS Pacific Soil Survey Office

Subject: Ecoregion base and rangeland compost application
I am surprised to see you used the USFS Bailey Ecoregions of the
United States as the ecological basis of your analysis. The EPA
Ecoregion product is more updated and regularly maintained.

Also on the Ecoregion topic, while I recognize that your plan is
necessarily coarse, a few more divisions might be warranted. For
instance, the Sierra Nevada Foothills, Sierra Nevada Mountains, and
Eastern Sierras are very distinct ecologically and have very
different management needs.

I do appreciate that you only mention compost application in
rangeland for the central and northern coast regions. Even for the
somewhat low acreage that you target for rangeland compost
application, the literature is lacking follow-up monitoring from
the original study that evaluated that approach. And as far as I am
aware, no other research in rangeland has been done besides on
those original sites. So it is wise to tread lightly in that area. 


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Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2019-01-14 14:00:34

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