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Comment 137 for Auction Proceeds Investment Plan Public Process (investplan2015-ws) - 1st Workshop.

First Name: Charles A.
Last Name: Smith
Email Address:
Affiliation: Technology Companies

Subject: Cap & Trade Auction
I spoke at the 8/12/2015 LA Public meeting requesting that a
seperate funding bugeted line item be used to create a Technology
Demonstarion Site enabling new technologies the ability to support
their claims. We are envolved with a Waste to Energy Technology
which addresses clean air, landfill elimination, 100% recycled &
100% repurposed, recapture of water to potable status and does so
with ZERO emissions together with other benefits. The technology
can not get a hearing in California. There are technologies which
have given up on California and gone out of state with sucess. This
demonstration site together with a 90 day Adminstrative Operating
Permit for a limited period could be evaluated by the state to all
claims which would enhance and expeditite California's
Enviornmental and Climate change goals. The current process is
complicated and discouraging and we as a state are losing out. Our
companies work with numerous technologies out of state and are
confident of their contributions to California goal achievements.
Please consider the formation od a demonstration site using Cap &
Trade Funds to create such.
Thank you for your consideration and I am avaiable to assist.
 Charles A. Smith CEO, Integratde Sustainability Solutions, Inc &
Hotel Sustainability Solutions, Inc.  


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Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2015-09-01 12:06:44

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