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Comment 19 for Comments on the Draft Analysis of Progress toward Achieving the 2030 Dairy and Livestock Methane Emissions Target (draft-dl-analysis-ws) - 1st Workshop.

First Name: Alison
Last Name: Marklein
Email Address:
Affiliation: UC Riverside

Subject: Comments on the Draft Analysis of Progress toward Achieving the 2030 Dairy/Livestock CH4
Page 7: However, solid separation technologigies such as mechanical
separators may have limited impact due to the use of separated
solids as bedding, which then re-enter the liquid manure pathway
(e.g. See Marklein et al. 2021, ESSD).

There are also technical barriers to quantifying reductions in
anaerobic digester projects. 


Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2021-07-14 16:00:56

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