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Comment 20 for Public Workshop to Discuss Potential Changes to the Low Carbon Fuel Standard (lcfs-wkshp-aug18-ws) - 1st Workshop.

First Name: Dr.Robert T.
Last Name: Do
Email Address:

Subject: Comments to the LCFS
September 19, 2022
California Air Resources Board
1001 I Street
Sacramento, CA 95814
Rajinder Sahota
Deputy Executive Officer, Climate Change and Research

Reference: August 18, 2022 LCFS Workshop

Dear Ms.Sahota,

In addition to the attached Letter from SGH2 Energy Global Corp
summarizing our comments to the CARB's latest workshop on potential
changes to the LCFS, we are also attaching a Description of our
Lancaster Clean H2 Production plant as submitted to the State of CA
and the Public for comments prior to CEQA and CUP approval
scheduled for November 21st, 2022.  

The Technology to be deployed for the Lancaster Project is the SPEG
technology system which is "Thermal Conversion" of biogenic organic
waste into renewable carbon negative Hydrogen.  This technology is
described in more details in the attached document which was taken
from the CEQA official document prepared by the City of Lancaster. 

As part of the CARB's consideration of a new Tier 1 Pathway for Low
CI Hydrogen, we are submitting this Technology to be considered for
inclusion in the new Tier 1 low CI H2 pathways.  Alternatively, we
will also submit this as an application for a Tier 2 Pathway for
Low CI Hydrogen production.  As noted in the attachment, the
Lancaster Project is a near term commercial industrial production
plant to be approved for CEQA and CUP this year and will start
delivering 4,500,000 Kg of Clean H2 per year to HRS in California
operated by Shell and Iwatani/Chevron by early 2024.  

As a major producer of Clean Hydrogen for California 's HRS, the
Lancaster project was also awarded a $ 3 Million grant from the
CEC, we request that the Pathway for Thermal Conversion of Biogenic
waste and biomass to Clean carbon negative Hydrogen be officially
considered and approved as part of the new "Tier 1 pathways for Low
CI Hydrogen" or the existing Tier 2 pathway production for Clean

Dr.Robert T.Do 
Chief Executive Officer 
SGH2 Energy Global Corp 


Original File Name: SGH2 Energy Comments .zip

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2022-09-19 09:12:47

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