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Comment 18 for 2022 Scoping Plan Update – Initial Air Quality & Health Impacts and Economic Analyses Results Workshop (sp22-econ-health-ws) - 1st Workshop.

First Name: Laura
Last Name: Rosenberger Haider
Email Address:

Subject: I like option 1
Don't waste money and time on big, expensive gas plants that need
to be retired soon, and nuclear plants & carbon capture that could
be destroyed in war, by terrorists, by earthquakes, or the usual
corporate negligence. We don't want radioactive isotopes leeching
from the CA toxic waste dumps with expired permits into crops.
Cancer is expensive to treat. I would rather not have fuel nor
energy nor heat nor packaged food from far away. I prefer not to
commute far to work. Driving is tiring. Direct solar 200 watt
hotplates are cheap and cook stew. No financial stress.


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Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2022-05-02 13:12:03

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