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Comment 179 for Auction Proceeds Investment Plan Public Process (investplan2015-ws) - 1st Workshop.

First Name: Steve
Last Name: Birdlebough
Email Address:

Subject: Disadvantaged Communities
The greatest need of disadvantaged communities is a steady source
of income, and so I suggest that some or all of cap and trade
proceeds should be widely distributed to offset higher energy costs
to families.  Such a dividend would tie the price of carbon price
to equity and climate justice.  If used to establish a State Earned
Income Tax Credit it would eventually assure people who need it
most a basic income, and become an important source of buying power
at the base of the economy. 

The long-term strength of the Cap-and-Trade program depends upon
the ways that proceeds are spent.  It is difficult to produce
quantitative analyses of ways that projects will assist
disadvantaged communities by geography or income or a showing of
ways that recipients will effect emission reductions, yet without
convincing data the program will be vulnerable.  Already there are
concerns that the Cap-and-Trade funds are turning into a slush fund
for politicians.  

California is leading the nation in carbon pricing.  It is
important to build a strong economic constituency for the program. 

Sincerely,  Steve Birdlebough
Santa Rosa


Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2015-09-01 17:17:19

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