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Comment 10 for Draft Updates to CARB's Funding Guidelines for Agencies that Administer California Climate Investments (draftguidelines-ws) - 1st Workshop.

First Name: Rick
Last Name: Bettis
Email Address:
Affiliation: Mr.

Subject: Comment on GHG reduction fund invedtments
Recommend the following:
1.Since we are lagging investments should be in measures that can
be implemented in a short time to achieve GHG reductions.
2.Emphasis should be given energy storage which is necessary to
achieve 100 percent clean renewables.This should include all modes
from battery to hydro pumped storage.
3.For disadvantaged communities fund energy efficiency retrofits
such as insulation and efficient appliances.

4.Zero emissions transportation should be supported for both public
and goods movement..Infrastructure for charging and fueling should
be funded.

5.Fund community solar on brownfields or other vacant lots.

6.Fund water conservationefficiency and achieve co-benefits.


Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2017-09-15 16:38:25

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