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Comment 30 for 2030 Target Scoping Plan Discussion Draft (sp2030disc-dec16-ws) - 1st Workshop.

First Name: Roger
Last Name: Iles
Email Address:

Subject: Fee and Dividend Not Too Late?

Thank you for your fantastic work in California and I am so proud
that California is the world leader in controlling pollution and
greenhouse gas emissions.

I came across your comments on the new scoping plan and request for
input.  Recently, I have read more and more about the carbon fee
and dividend approach to control greenhouse gas emissions
especially in light of Exxon Mobil's recognition of man's role in
global warming and recommending this solution.  And, the fee is
returned to households to offset any rising electricity costs from
new renewable energy sources.

I have tried to understand the intricacies and implementation of
the AB32 Cap and Trade but it is just so complex.  It appears easy
to cheat the system and third party carbon trading seems open to
manipulation and corruption.  

The fee and dividend, taxing carbon at its source, just seems so
simple in comparison.  It also looks to be easier to be able to
work together with other states and countries.  Reducing government
regulations and encouraging industry to create their own solutions,
should make Washington's Republicans more receptive to a carbon

Roger Iles


Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2016-12-15 14:41:27

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