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Comment 16 for Public Workshop to Discuss Potential Future Changes to the LCFS Program (lcfs-wkshp-dec21-ws) - 1st Workshop.

First Name: Heidi
Last Name: Sickler
Email Address:
Affiliation: AMPLY Power

Subject: Potential Future Changes to the LCFS Program.
Dear Mr. Sahora,

	AMPLY Power ("AMPLY") appreciates the opportunity to submit the
attached comments on the potential future changes to the Low Carbon
Future Standard ("LCFS") program. 

AMPLY Power provides Charging-as-a-Service to de-risk and
accelerate the adoption of electric vehicles by public and private
fleet operators through its simple price-per-mile driven model.
AMPLY provides fully managed charging and software solutions that
enable municipal and commercial fleets to deploy electric vehicle
fleets confidently and without hassles. AMPLY handles all aspects
of charging operations on behalf of fleet owners, and AMPLY's
charging systems are optimized for the lowest electricity costs.
AMPLY is now delivering 100 percent clean energy to its electric
fleet customers. We now ensure only California-sourced renewable
power from wind and solar sources is used by our California fleet
customers in order to reduce the effects of climate change through
the adoption of clean energy.  


Heidi Sickler
Director of Policy


Original File Name: AMPLY Comments on CARB Potential Future Changes to the LCFS Program_January 6, 2022.pdf

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2022-01-06 13:13:46

If you have any questions or comments please contact Office of the Ombudsman at (916) 327-1266.

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