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Comment 35 for Low Carbon Fuel Standard Public Workshop to Discuss Potential Regulation Revisions (lcfs-wkshp-oct20-ws) - 1st Workshop.

First Name: Stefan
Last Name: Muller
Email Address:

Subject: NTIC Letter of Support
Dear Ms. Sahota:

I am writing to you to express support for the Novel Technology
Investment Credit (NTIC) program that was presented by Virent and
Marathon in the LCFS Public Workshop on October 15.  Ensyn believes
this program is critical in advancing low carbon fuels in

Our formal letter of support is attached to this comment

I would be happy to discuss this with you if you would like. 

Best regards,

Stefan Muller
SVP Project Engineering, Ensyn


Original File Name: NTIC Letter of Support.pdf

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2020-11-05 07:47:26

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