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Comment 44 for Aliso Canyon Menthane Leak Mitigation Settlement (alisomitigation-ws) - 1st Workshop.

First Name: Christopher
Last Name: Lish
Email Address:

Subject: Reject Dairy Digester Plan for Aliso Canyon Settlement
Dear Chair Nichols,

I don't think it's appropriate to use the Aliso Canyon blowout as
an opportunity to steer tens of millions of dollars toward cleaning
up the California dairy industry's sprawling lagoons of dairy cow
manure. I urge you to come up with a new plan that reduces
California's dependence on methane gas, not prop up our addiction
to a new form of it.

"Our duty to the whole, including to the unborn generations, bids
us to restrain an unprincipled present-day minority from wasting
the heritage of these unborn generations. The movement for the
conservation of wildlife and the larger movement for the
conservation of all our natural resources are essentially
democratic in spirit, purpose and method."
-- Theodore Roosevelt

The Southern California Gas Company must be penalized for the
impacts of releasing 109,000 tons of heat-trapping methane into the
atmosphere, as well as carbon dioxide and volatile organic
compounds (including BTEX).

The California Air Resources Board must redirect settlement dollars
to Los Angeles residents--particularly those in lower income and
vulnerable communities--for low-cost energy services, powered by
truly renewable energy sources that reduce our dependence on
methane gas.

Some options for helping consumers slash their demand for methane
gas include promoting distributed energy resources, like solar and
batteries, coupled with home energy efficiency retrofits, and
building electrification that avoid the need for gas combustion in
the first place.

I urge you to redirect the $34.1 million allotted in the Aliso
Canyon settlement for dairy digesters to impacted Los Angeles
communities and towards reducing California's dependence on methane

"A thing is right when it tends to preserve the integrity,
stability, and beauty of the biotic community. It is wrong when it
tends otherwise."
-- Aldo Leopold

Thank you for your consideration of my comments. Please do NOT add
my name to your mailing list. I will learn about future
developments on this issue from other sources.

Christopher Lish
San Rafael, CA


Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2018-09-11 10:05:23

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