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Comment for Auction Proceeds Investment Plan Public Process (investplan2015-ws) - 1st Workshop.

First Name: Armando
Last Name: Davila
Email Address:
Affiliation: A1 Sun Inc: Solar Installation

Subject: SUPPORT: Inclusion of a Small-to-Medium Business Category in the GGRF Investment Plan
A1 Sun Inc. ( is a California Certified Green
Business, recognized by Alameda County.

We received technical assistance from our local Green Business
Program and as a result, educated our staff on green practices, we
have saved water and electricity, reduced waste to the landfill,
reduced vehicle trips, and switched to greener products. All of
these steps reduce greenhouse gas emissions and provide multiple
environmental and economic benefits.

We could do still more with additional assistance and rebates.
Dedicating a staff member and resources to shift our operations to
comply protect our environment does come with costs. The time, and
materials it takes to transform our operations are not easy to
think through and the assistance was vital in our success. Small
businesses are a large sector of the state’s economy. While we lack
dedicated environmental staff to focus on conservation and greening
our business, if we are provided technical assistance, we are eager
to save resources and cut operating costs. The California Green
Business Program is a comprehensive, one-stop shop for
small-to-medium sized businesses like mine to go green, be better
neighbors in their communities, attract and retain customers,
quantify environmental benefits, and save money. We highly
recommend other small business engage with the Green Business
Program. We believe that many small businesses making changes, as
we did, can have a big cumulative impact in the state. We strongly
encourage your Board, the Governor’s office, and the State
legislature to consider including a small business element in your
investment plan.

Optional Customization: Our business has benefitted from the
program specifically by knowing there was an agency supporting our
optimization, providing personal feedback specific to our business,
an opportunity meet our social values with institutional support,
and the care of a human touch. Again it is difficult to
environmentally optimize our business, taking staff time away from
our production stream as well as the time and energy it takes to
coordinate our staff to comply with environmental practices.
Providing support for small business to lead the way in the
authentic greening of our operations is a vital step in our


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Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2015-07-28 12:25:48

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