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Comment 5 for Advanced Clean Cars II Rulemaking (accii-comments-w3-ws) - 3rd Workshop.

First Name: Christine
Last Name: Viterelli
Email Address:
Affiliation: City of Arvin

Subject: Reducing Overall Emissions
I think more needs to be done right now to forward the purchases
and leases of BEVs. I have test-driven and researched multiple full
electric vehicles, plug-in Hybrids, and SULEVs. 
An average person cannot afford even plug-in hybrid vehicles. 

The plug-in hybrids are about $ 10K more than a standard gasoline
engine vehicle. They are all in the $ 38,000- $ 40,000 range.
Moreover, when you look at the cost of BEVs, that price has
skyrocketed. The least expensive BEV I test drove was $ 45,000, and
presently the dealerships are adding dealer mark-ups at a minimum
of $ 5,000, and I've seen dealer mark-ups as much as 
$15,000 over MSRP. That is cost-prohibitive, and until these
practices are stopped and more incentives are offered, there is
virtually no incentive to the average consumer to purchase these
vehicles. Additionally, the battery range tops out at around
225-250 miles per charge on the BEVs for the standard range.
I am a strong supporter of fully electric vehicles and have gone to
great lengths to transition after months of researching and test
driving many clean cars. Still, most people do not have the means
to afford a BEV to reduce their carbon footprint. 

Also, the tax incentives must be increased, both on the State and
Federal levels, if these goals of becoming fully electric by 2035
are to be achieved. I also think the $40K cap for 2026 is
unrealistic given the vehicles' cost.

Finally, people who live in attainment areas but work in
non-attainment areas and drive in those areas daily are not getting
enough incentives. They are still driving gasoline and diesel in
non-air attainment areas, and their incentives are extremely
limited due to where they reside. 

 I think more communication with automakers and dealers is needed
as well. In my opinion, the dealers are increasing the cost of the
vehicles in response to the incentives. 

We need to be more realistic about lifting all criteria limiting
incentives and looking at the big picture. Every electric and
hybrid vehicle on the road is a win for reducing carbon emissions
in California and addressing Climate Change.


Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2021-08-18 10:26:29

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