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Comment 3 for Public Workshop: 2022 Scoping Plan Update – Public Health (sp22-publichealth-ws) - 1st Workshop.

First Name: Jerry
Last Name: Tobe
Email Address:

Subject: The 2022 Scoping Plan
CARB and the public may find very useful a report that objectively
and forthrightly presents what the 2017 Scoping Plan led to being
done, what failed to be implemented and why as well as which
implemented plans produce the expected results, which implemented
plans came up short and why/how. 

I hope CARB has the same appreciation 

- for the tension between producing a scoping plan that is more
likely to result in better outcomes for the vast majority of people
living in California and a plan that may have a more negative
affect on time, money, other resources, and good will 

that it has 

- for the tension between producing a scoping plan quickly and
taking time to produce a plan more likely to result in better
outcomes for the vast majority of people living in California. 
May you chose to do ONLY that which is truly best for the vast
majority of people living in California in the 2022 scoping plan

There appears to be a conflict of interest between the billions of
dollars the oil and gas industry contribute to the State's treasury
plus the oil and gas industry's 2% contribution to California's
economy and doing that which is truly best for Californians and the

Choosing to do whatever it takes to for the oil and gas industry to
preserve its current business model instead of transitioning to a
business model that is truly best for a vast majority of people
contributes to the conflict. 

The oil and gas industry fights for acceptance of its climate
change solutions - cap and trade, net zero by 2050, production of
gray and blue hydrogen, carbon dioxide sequestration, which are all
design to continue its polluting extraction business model. 

A 2011 study out of Cornell University found [methane] leakage of
[1.4] to 3.9 percent of produced gas per well, and up to 8 percent
-, also known as
natural gas, is pumped out of the region's wells and captured for
use, but the satellite analysis has shown they are also
inadvertently leaking 3.7 per cent of that gas into the atmosphere.

The leakage rate is more than twice that assumed by the US
Environmental Protection Agency, well above the average 1.9 per
cent for 11 other major US basins, and higher than that recorded in
any US oil and gas field before -,2011%20Cornell%20study,than%20conventional%20natural%20gas%20wells.

Seen From Space: Huge Methane Leaks -,We%20Made%20It%20Visible.
"Among the nearly 400 million tons of human-linked methane
emissions every year, oil and gas production is estimated to
account for about one-third. And unlike carbon dioxide, which is
released when fossil fuels are deliberately burned for energy, much
of the methane from oil and gas is either intentionally released or
accidentally leaked from wells, pipelines and production
facilities.", which is more than 133 million tons of methane that
the oil and gas industry leaks annually. CARB can incentivize the
oil and gas industry to capture much of that methane and convert it
to clean hydrogen and clean carbon black (refer to the "A
Decarbonization Win-Win That Produces Clean Hydrogen And Clean
Carbon Black" article that follows 

A Decarbonization Win-Win That Produces Clean Hydrogen And Clean
Carbon Black -

This is an alternative to the hydrogen that the oil and gas
industry is producing/proposes to produce and it doesn't require
CO2 sequestration. Labs around the world are developing processes
that convert methane to hydrogen and solid carbon more efficiently
and processes that don't use rare earth metals. You may find a
subscription to the International Journal of Hydrogen Energy -
Official Journal of the International Association for Hydrogen
Energy -

Agriculture biomass generators, while creating their own problems,
may be a way to reduce agricultural methane emissions while
producing hydrogen and solid carbon.

Regarding processing forest undergrowth (You referred to it as
forest waste), it seems to me that most forest undergrowth can be
shredded using industrial shredders/wood chippers powered by GREEN
hydrogen, turning the undergrowth into compost (biomass
generators?), capturing any methane produced by the composting
process, and converting the methane into hydrogen and solid carbon.
Selling the compost, hydrogen and solid carbon may defray some

A lab (I can't find the article) has developed a method for
converting CO2 emissions to carbon black and some environmentally
safe byproducts. It is projecting commercialization by 2025. The
lab claims it's working on a version that will work in industrial

In Summary
May you make the time to build/use models based on health outcomes.
One rational being that using health outcomes as the bases for
modeling effectively addresses the most significant causes and
quantities of climate change while effectively addressing the most
health impacted populations. The larger the population of health
individuals the more productive the society, the less societal
burden, the better educational outcomes, and the more desirable the

May you do an objective, forthright, thorough analysis of earlier
scoping planning cycles to determine what did and didn't work, why,
and how to improve.

May CARB not be swayed by fossil fuel industry talking

May you successfully apply the latest technology.

May you do ONLY that which is truly best for the environment and
the vast majority of people living in California and cause those
people as little harm as humanly possible.

Thank you for reading my message


Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2022-02-16 04:30:17

If you have any questions or comments please contact Office of the Ombudsman at (916) 327-1266.

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