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Comment 5 for Dairy Subgroup 3 Comment Docket (for research and enteric) (dairysubgrp3-ws) - 1st Workshop.

First Name: Joshua
Last Name: Kim
Email Address:

Subject: Comment on Research Subgroup Topics (Kickoff Meeting)
[The following was a comment/question submitted by email at the
August 14, 2017 Subgroup #3 Kickoff Meeting]

From: Peter Williams
Affiliation: Advantec Associates

Public Question: I work with a rumen active product which diverts
methane energy into milk/meat. We have a lot of research work from
European Institutions. Currently feeding around 100,000 cows in
California for the economic benefits to milk production - as well
as interest in the impact on methane.

My question is: With whom should I discuss this application/product
in order that it may be considered as part of the research toward
reducing enteric methane. I have had some discussions with with Dan
as well as Frank Mitloehner.

Thank you.


Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2017-08-23 15:52:50

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