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Comment 6 for Natural and Working Lands Joint Agency Workshop (nwlplan-caland-ws) - 1st Workshop.

First Name: Evan
Last Name: Edgar
Email Address:
Affiliation: California Compost Coalition

Subject: Resubmit same comments from first Workshop
My comment letter from Jan 2017 with metrics and CARB emission
factors was overlooked and not addressed, and was again discounted
during the last public meeting.

PRC 42649.87.b from AB 1045 states that California Environmental
Protection Agency shall promote a goal of reducing at least five
million metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions per year through
the development and application of compost. Using the adopted CARB
emission factors for compost use, it would take 9.8 million tons of
compost use to reach this requirement, diverting almost 17 million
tons of organics from landfills. Cal-EPA should provide the metrics
and needed programs to achieve this requirement. Applying compost
on irrigated croplands could use 7 million tons of compost by 2030,
and Caltrans and the other state agencies should be able to use the



Original File Name: CCC 2017 Climate Change Scoping Plan Update Comments

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2017-10-27 19:48:24

If you have any questions or comments please contact Office of the Ombudsman at (916) 327-1266.

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