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Comment 8 for Public Webinar: Meeting California's Carbon Neutrality Goals: Approaches for the Industrial Sector (cn-industry-web-ws) - 1st Workshop.

First Name: John
Last Name: Larrea
Email Address:
Affiliation: California League of Food Producers

Subject: CLFP comments on Carbon Neutrality Goals
Q: What other programs administered by CARB could be leveraged or
adjusted to support further emissions reductions in the industrial
One of the most innovative programs has been the Food Production
Investment Program (FPIP).  Focused solely on CO2 reductions, this
program should become the model for all industrial incentive
programs going forward if the state expects to meet its emission
reduction goals.  CARB should advocate for continuous funding for

Q: What hurdles does California face for decarbonizing the
industrial sector? How can CARB help to overcome these hurdles?
Lack of new or emerging technologies prevent additional significant
gains in emissions reductions for food processors.  Additional
research into the current status of available technologies and
emerging technologies for industrial food processors needs to be
funded.  For instance, understanding the availability of
technologies will allow for a fine tuning of the emission
reductions on a sector by sector basis under the cap-and-trade

Bottom line, more incentives/grants for industrial food processors
will be needed if additional significant reductions are expected.


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Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2020-03-06 16:06:36

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