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Comment 21 for Auction Proceeds Investment Plan Public Process (investplan2015-ws) - 1st Workshop.

First Name: Carlos
Last Name: Lopez
Email Address:
Affiliation: Center for Employment Training

Subject: Inclusion of a Workforce Development Category in the GGRF Investment Plan
The Center for Employment Training (CET) a 501 (c) (3) is an
accredited Job Training economic and community Development
Corporation, founded to promote human development and education by
providing people with “marketable skills” training and supportive
services that contribute to self-sufficiency.
Our Primary Focus –Workforce Development including Energy
Efficiency Training Programs. 

CET’s Contextual Training Model program design and accredited job
training programs is nationally recognized and the foundation of
our historical success is in providing “skills” training in demand
occupations across ten (10) sites while targeting low-income
communities in California. 

Given the overall goal is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, there
is a growing need for a trained workforce to fill the “skills-gap”
in the energy efficiency and clean energy  industry sectors and the
related occupations. 

Thus, it is very important to include qualified accredited
non-profit training organizations offering Energy Related
Occupational Training for the Energy Related Job Sectors as
investment partners.  Co-Benefactors include low-income individuals
currently residing in disadvantaged communities.  Energy-efficiency
related workforce education programs are especially useful and can
significantly impact low income persons living in disadvantaged
communities leading to full time employment in the Energy
Efficiency Sectors. 

Specific Recommendation to add - A Workforce Development Project
Category & Employment and Training for the Energy Related Sector on
Table B-1 under the Agency - Department of Community Services
Development (CSD), which has an existing network of senior level
non-profit training organizations located in many disadvantaged
By adding the Project Category – Workforce Development and
Employment and Training for Energy Efficiency and Clean Energy will
expand the use of investments to provide in-demand energy related
job training programs including, Photovoltaic (PV) Electrician,
Solar Panel Technicians, Weatherization & Green Construction
Skills, Retrofitting residential and commercial buildings and
advance automotive electrical and emissions control systems and
other energy efficiencies and reducing greenhouse emissions. The
job training investments will produce a qualified workforce for the
energy efficiency industry sector.  Training residents in
disadvantaged communities will bridge the gap of high unemployment
and provide a career path to jobs created for the energy sector
leading to the reduction to greenhouse Gas Emissions. 


Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2015-08-11 09:43:22

If you have any questions or comments please contact Office of the Ombudsman at (916) 327-1266.

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