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Comment for Workshop to Discuss Possible Revisions to the Cap-and-Trade Regulation (ct-4-26-18-wkshp-ws) - 1st Workshop.

First Name: Sharon
Last Name: Famorca
Email Address:

Subject: Don't let polluters off the hook
Dear California Air Resources Board,

I am writing to urge CARB to protect the health of our communities
by implementing strong rules for Californias historic cap-and-trade
program. We need to maintain, not weaken, incentives in our rules
to make big polluters, like oil refineries, cut pollution, and we
need market rules that will result in the real pollution reductions
we need in order to hit our climate targets. That means eliminating
excess allowances from the market and maintaining, not increasing,
current industrial assistance factors.

Without fair accounting for how many pollution permits should be
made available, our cap-and-trade program is toothless. Despite
receiving an overwhelming number of pollution permits for free, and
a cap-and-trade market that currently issues far too many permits,
the fossil fuel industry is asking for additional giveaways at the
expense of Californias taxpayers and the climate. This is

The fossil fuel industrys demand for a $365 million giveaway over
the next three years is indefensible, and their request that CARB
offer pollution permits well in excess of what is needed puts our
2030 climate goals at grave risk. California should be holding
polluters accountable and investing in clean energy, not caving
into the never-ending series of demands from corporations that
pollute our air.

To stay true to CARBs mission, you have a responsibility to
safeguard the health of the communities hit hardest by air
pollution caused by oil refineries. 

Sincerely, Sharon Famorca


Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2018-05-07 16:39:11

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