Workshop Comments Log

Workshop Comments Log

Send Us Your Workshop Comments

Below is the Comment Log for Public comments on the innovative concept application for Tesoro Martinez (atberth-icapp-10-ws).

# Received From Subject Comment
Date/Time Added to Database

Form Letters
or Attachments

1 Pasek, Randall, STAX Engineeering Comment letter 1st Workshop 2022-07-01 10:54:40


2 Bui, Teresa, Pacific Environment Pacific Environment Comments on Innovative Concept from Tesoro Martinez 1st Workshop 2022-07-04 21:45:01


Comments posted to atberth-icapp-10-ws that were presented during the Workshop:

There are no comments posted to atberth-icapp-10-ws that were presented during the Workshop at this time.

We expect that any written comments received during the Workshop will be posted within one week of the Workshop.

Compilation of all printable comments for atberth-icapp-10-ws

If you have any questions or comments please contact Office of the Ombudsman at (916) 327-1266.

Workshop Comment Logs

Send Us Your Workshop Comments
