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Comment #1 for 2013 Investment Plan for Cap-and-Trade Auction Proceeds
(2013investmentpln-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Art
Last Name: Unger
Email Address:
SubjectHow to spend auction proceeds
Please spend auction proceeds to train and hire low skilled job
seekers to insulate homes. It will also take money to buy
materials. Make all roofs white with high albedo and put
photovoltaic panels on those not shaded.

It money is left, use it for buses.

In my house we save lots of money by dressing warmly indoors in
winter (hats, cotton gloves and sweaters or heavy bath robes) and
men not wearing a shirt on the hottest days. Would volunteer
celebrities and public officials get the word out so we could spend
all the money on insulation and roofs?

Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2013-01-31 14:57:49

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