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Comment #1 for CAPP Concept Paper
(capp-conceptpaper-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Peter
Last Name: Joyce
Email Address:
SubjectMethyl Bromide Emissions in SCAQMD
Hundreds of thousands of pounds of methyl bromide are vented in the
LA port area and in the surrounding neighborhoods when tractor
trailers are fumigated.  NONE of these have any type of emissions
controls and yet California lists fumigation as a source category
in its BACT/RACT/LAER clearinghouse database.  
Since emissions controls of methyl bromide have been demonstrated
for these types of fumigations for over 5 years, and independent
source tests have confirmed the efficiency of the emissions
controls, why is this allowed to continue.
A major portion of this initiative is in air monitoring and yet you
have the ability to STOP the emissions of a toxic and hazardous air
pollutant and offer no reason why this is allowed to continue.
Peter J Joyce

Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2018-02-08 07:32:47

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