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Comment #1 for Informal Public Comments on the Draft 2022 State SIP Strategy
(draft2022statesip-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Joseph
Last Name: Williams
Email Address:
Subject2022 Aultrafine 03 Particulate
To consider the fact that aultrafine particle from Vehicle Vapor
can and does 
Harm the lungs in Rats in UC Studies and
The at the going rate there no System in
Place to Capture Tailpipe particle that enters the Air we Breathe,
Something has to 
Be done , when a Retrofiting System is Available for the
Transportation agency to
Consider over all the talk elsewhere we must 
Not Purchase millions of E.V. and think we
Have time to Save the atmosphere from CLIMATE CHANGE and
GHG,disadvantage communities will not Servive,let's Rethink
Our statergy and Retrofit all Cumbuschable 
Vehicle there's Still time, but now is the time. Thank you 

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Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2022-02-16 20:33:19

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