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Comment #1 for Natural and Working Lands Joint Agency Workshop
(nat-workinglands-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: michael
Last Name: kersten
Email Address:
Subjectimportant concepts missing from plan
 I applaud the state for recognizing the serious state our
lands are in and taking steps to heal the situation.
  What has become glaringly apparent are some missing components
of healthy ecosystems that nature has shown us.
  1.  The inclusion of herds of animals on the land and their 
     vitally important impact on the health of the soils and
  2.  Biodiversity.  It has been shown that both trees, shrubs,  
     pasture and crops in between, all grow better and are more
     healthy than any grown alone.  Silvoforest, agroforest and 
     related concepts are getting there but do not compare with 
     multistory, multi species plant communities.  Annual crops 
     between rows of multistory agro producing plant groups will
     also benefit from the improved fertility in the soil.
      There are many working with these important realizations.
     Included are two that are helping make tremendous land
   fertility and economic restoration.
      It would be a benefit to the state to include their concepts
in training and implementation of these concepts.
michael kersten
ph 916-761-4016

Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2018-05-18 09:00:11

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