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Comment #1 for 2022 Scoping Plan Update - Engineered Carbon Removal Technical Workshop
(sp22-co2-removal-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Daniel
Last Name: Chandler
Email Address:
Subject2022 Scopiing Plan Update - Engineered Carbon Removal
    Yes the scientific consensus is that carbon capture is
necessary and some of it will have to be engineered. So it is worth
researching and worth trying to bring the cost down.

    There are three caveats. 1) Fossil fuel companies and their
paid lobbyists and legislators want to use carbon capture to delay
the demise of fossil fuels. This has brought about a lot of
greenwashing "information." This is difficult to deal with because
our politicians have not said clearly when and how fossil fuels
will be phased out. The International Energy Agency has clearly
said we have used up our carbon budget, so no new fossil fuel
development. If fossil fuel companies use carbon capture to reduce
their impact during the short time they will still be around, more
power to them and I will gladly pay the extra cost. But this has to
be distinguished from efforts to continue development, which are
not made more tolerable by carbon capture. technology.
    2)All fossil fuel processing has very negative effects on
humans living nearby, including the poor and people of color near
refineries and drilling sites and the millions who use gas
appliances. Eliminating fossil fuels as quickly as possible (by
2030 say) will pay for itself many times over in reductions in the
costs of pollution. So we must be very clear that carbon capture
does not prolong or increase the climate injustice we experience
due to fossil fuels. The first and second points are clearly
    3) The third caveat is that carbon capture should not have
countervailing effects. I'm thinking particularly of carbon capture
paired with biomass processing. If the biomass is waste and there
is no other use for it, then we are better off capturing the carbon
produce than emitting it. But harvesting biomass that sequesters
carbon for purposes such as making hydrogen make no sense since we
are eliminating one method of sequestering carbon (tree growth) and
"compensating" for it with carbon capture. That is to say,
engineered carbon capture should not replace natural lands carbon
capture. They need to be additive.

Thank you for this opportunity to comment.

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Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2021-08-02 11:26:08

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