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Comment #1 for 2022 Scoping Plan Update - Electricity Sector Technical Workshop
(sp22-electricity-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Mark
Last Name: Wilson
Email Address:
SubjectEnergy Efficiency and Demand Reduction
I'm surprised to not see much discussion of energy efficiency and
demand reduction in the workshop, especially since one of
California's greenhouse gas reduction strategies involves a
significant expansion of electrification. Energy efficiency and
demand reduction approaches and technologies are going to be key in
reducing the amount of renewable energy necessary to meet demand,
and therefore reducing the high capital costs of the clean energy
build-out that were discussed earlier. Energy efficiency in
particular has a long history of excellent return on investment
while also delivering health, comfort, and economic benefits to
California citizens.
I hope future workshops will discuss efforts that CARB plans to
make to expand energy efficiency and demand reduction as part of
the Scoping Plan.

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Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2021-11-02 11:12:56

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