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Comment #10 for Dairy Subgroup 2 Comment Docket (for digester projects)
(dairysubgrp2-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Joshua
Last Name: Kim
Email Address:
SubjectDigester Funding for All Size Dairies
[The following was a comment submitted via email during the
December 13, 2017 subgroup #2 meeting]

From: Lynne McBride
Affiliation: California Dairy Campaign

Our organization believes it is critically important to ensure that
dairies of all sizes have access to public dairy digester funding
and urges that a greater focus is placed on the importance of
clustering digester projects to encompass average size dairy
operations. The average herd size in CA as of 2016 was 1249 cows
per dairy and yet public digester funding has not been made
available to dairies of this size. We understand that dairy
digester developers are most interested in funding larger scale
projects. However, in terms of public policy, we think it is
important for public funds to be made available to average size
dairy operations. If the public digester funding trend continues,
it could dramatically alter the economic landscape for average size
dairy operations. Also as CA seeks to be a leader in this area
across the country and the world, it is important to demonstrate
that dairy digester projects are feasible for dairies of all sizes.

Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2017-12-18 15:37:33

If you have any questions or comments please contact Office of the Ombudsman at (916) 327-1266.

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