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Comment #10 for Comment docket for March 29, 2022 workshop on dairies
(dairywkshp220329-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Arie
Last Name: Sirotiak
Email Address:
SubjectDon't allow factory farms to to claim LCFS credits for trapping their own methane

I am a resident of Iowa, where I have lived all my life, and I am
writing to urge that you please do not give Low Carbon Fuel
Standard credits to factory farms for building digesters to trap
methane gas from the enormous amount of manure they produce. As I
understand, this is being viewed as helping to address climate
change, but while the problems with this idea might not be so
obvious to those out of state, I am telling you that it actually
worsens threats to Iowa's water crisis and encourages the expansion
of factory farms, which have had serious negative effects on our
environment and health. You should realize that Iowa's regulation
of factory farms is currently very lax, and a state law passed last
year will allow Iowa factory farms to expand their herd
sizes--which already exist in deeply unhealthy concentrations--when
they build a methane digester. A methane digester in Lyon County
Iowa owned by biogas company Gevo recently spilled 376,414 gallons
of liquid manure into surrounding waterways at Winding Meadows
Dairy. Please do not allow private, out-of-state companies to
profit while adding to the damage factory farms have already caused
to Iowa's waterways   and Iowans' health.

Thank you,

Arie Sirotiak 

Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2022-04-02 12:06:57

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