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Comment #10 for Public Workshop: 2022 Scoping Plan Update – Natural and Working Lands Technical Workshop
(nwl-2021-tech-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Kari
Last Name: Flores
Email Address:
AffiliationOrganic Farmer
SubjectClimate Change and Ag Lands
Please include support for organic agriculture in the state's plans
to address climate change, including the Natural and Working Lands
strategy and 2022 Scoping Plan. The state can maximize the benefits
of organic agriculture by expanding markets for organic producers,
supporting farmers' transition to organic, and providing more
research and technical assistance. Organic is a proven climate
solution with a UC Davis study finding that organic soils can store
14 times more carbon than non-organic soils. In addition, organic
farmers produce food without the use of synthetic pesticides or
fertilizers, protecting community health and the state's most
vulnerable populations. As an organic farmer of 20 years, I can
tell you there is no need for "conventional" pesticides and
herbicides!  Please make anyone who wants to poison the environment
with toxic chemicals be inspected, regulated and pay extra fees. 
Those of us who are (and have been) voluntarily doing the right
thing shouldn't be burdened more for trying to help save the planet
for future generations. Thank you!

Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2021-07-30 14:45:13

If you have any questions or comments please contact Office of the Ombudsman at (916) 327-1266.

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