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Comment #10 for CARB's public discussion of the Research Program’s priorities
(research-input-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Pat
Last Name: Tighe
Email Address:
AffiliationMigraine sufferer from fragrance chems
Subject20% of women +10% of men get migraines from fragrance chems
Research (abstracts attached) shows that 20% of women and 10% of
men get migraines from fragrance chemicals. These are also VOCs so
cause ozone and smog. I listened into the consumer products
rulemaking meetings for the last 2 years with no help for reducing
exposures to clothes dryer air pollution, air fresheners in public
restrooms and buildings such as stores, and public pools and
beaches exposure to spray sunscreens. In fact the 'lower VOCs' ARB
consumer products staff said they are not interested in public
health. I contacted a public health ARB staff person and got no
If we have 40 million people in California then about 6 million
want you to get to this area of air pollution NOW to reduce the
daily sources of migraines for us! I can't even sit in my own
backyard since the neighbors all choose different days to do their
highly fragranced laundry (which some refuse to give up and switch
to unscented). 4000 chemicals are used for fragrance (
Many are on hazardous, toxic, and cancer-causing lists. Grab some
low-hanging fruit to clean our air since all the manufacturers of
laundry already make unscented products! Stick and cream sunscreens
come in unscented. Air fresheners are just pure chemical pollution
for our lungs. Just get fragrance out of public air Now please!

Original File Name: FragranceChemSciAbs2019.pdf

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2020-10-06 16:13:24

If you have any questions or comments please contact Office of the Ombudsman at (916) 327-1266.

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