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Comment #100 for Scoping Plan Update Discussion Draft and Workshop Comments Log
(draft-update-sp-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Mary
Last Name: Bean
Email Address:
AffiliationFirstCarbon Solutions
SubjectConsidering streamlining for Central Valley food production facilities
I realize I just missed your deadline. Please consider this brief

Meeting the 2050 target reduction could benefit from consequent
streamlining of CEQA to allow for the development of food
production facilities in the Central Valley.

Produce is often sent out of state for processing rather than
simply being processed locally. By encouraging the development of
food processing facilities in the Central Valley, the current VMT
and associated GHG emissions could be greatly reduced. A co-benefit
would be job creation, which would benefit the residents of the
hard hit counties of the Central Valley. 


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Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2013-11-04 10:38:42

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