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Comment #11 for CPUC/CEC/ARB/CalISO Renewables Symposium
(renewablesympsium-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Joyce
Last Name: Dillard
Email Address:
SubjectComments ARB 2030 Climate Change Commitments-Renewables due 8.8.2015
Transmission capability does not seem to be addressed as there is
not an Economic Analysis.  What infrastructure is needed at what

As demands are made, such as feed-in-tariff with solar energy, is
there a capability to upload that is equivalent to the download. 
We have heard there is not.  What capital costs are associated with
this aspect of renewable energy being able to be fed into the

Baseline energy needs to be discussed.  Is geothermal equivalent to
coal in aspects of greenhouse gas emissions.  What are the costs
associated with different baseline fuels.

If an EMP Electromagnetic Pulse hit the system, will renewables be
able to sustain.  What period of time are we looking at outages.

Joyce Dillard
P.O. Box 31377
Los Angeles, CA 90031

Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2015-08-07 13:47:26

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