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Comment #89 for Public Workshop Series to Commence Development of the 2022 Scoping Plan Update
(sp22-kickoff-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Laura
Last Name: Rosenberger Haider
Email Address:
AffiliationFresnans Against Fracking, CEJC, Sierra
SubjectAB 32 scoping plan. Other harm from fossil fuels
Governments are having difficulty getting oil companies to plug
their idle wells which have leaked methane and back-flowed
pollutants and are an explosion risk. There are nearly 1000
deserted wells across LA. A few years ago I smelled the leakage of
hydrogen sulfide gas from the Coalinga Oilfield. Scientists also
noticed it which is also accompanied with methane. Methane leakage
occurred in neighborhoods of color near Culver City & Mount Saint
Mary's Univ.

Climate change's drought contributed to 64% of global farmland now
being toxic to humans from heavy metals & pesticides build-up;
toxic algal blooms in tribal shallow waters that kill fish, pets &
children, and car accidents from heat fatigue and air pollution.



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Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2021-07-09 23:37:26

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