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Comment #12 for Governor's Pillars: Natural Working Lands
(pillarsnatworklds-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Stephanie
Last Name: Bartron
Email Address:
AffiliationGreen Gardens Group
SubjectCarbon Negative Cities? Yes!
Our urban and suburban landscapes hold great potential for
multiple-benefit C02 reduction and sequestration. Plants and soil
are the carbon vacuums we have, and urban planning, renewal and
resilience must all work together to make our cities beautiful,
healthy, functional, sustainable carbon sinks. Think globally,
sequester locally! 

Restoring watersheds, carbon gardening, nutrient cycling, reducing
urban heat island effect (and thus GHG/energy need) can all happen.
Trees, plants, stable soil sequestration, urban wetlands,
residential gardens, public spaces - so many ways to sequester. And
as we transform our open reservoirs, fix our sidewalks/streets,
transportation, storm water, and waste streams (all rivers in one
way or another) we need to bring all hands on deck - city, county,
state and federal players and departments working together with the
common goal of making cities that reduce waste, recycle (absorb,
reuse and replenish) water, and maximize carbon sequestration.

A truly green labor force is also needed - engineers, designers,
planners, educators, laborers and caretakers - working together to
break the concrete, plant the trees, tend the landscapes and
put/keep the carbon back underground. Besides saving the world,
we'll be left with beautiful, functional cities, vibrant economies
and happy, healthy citizens.

Please - let the cities, and the urban people/plants/soil be part
of the solution. We can help, we just need to work together.

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Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2015-08-28 14:37:20

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