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Comment #132 for Public Input on Cap-and-Trade Auction Proceeds Second Investment Plan
(investplan2-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Anthony
Last Name: Knight, Ed.D.
Email Address:
AffiliationOak Park Unified School Dist
SubjectAB 32
One of the best ways to reduce the state's greenhouse gas emissions
and put resources towards our public schools would be to develop a
program as part of AB 32 that helps schools install renewable
energy projects.  For example, we have had a study completed that
shows that an $8 million investment in solar would take our school
nearly 100% off the grid and save us over $500,000 a  year, which
would go to support education rather than paying Edison to burn
fossil fuels.  An idea, that I believe would be very much welcomed
by the renewable energy industry and school districts would be for
the state to provide matching funds for solar projects.  It would
make them affordable and have a huge impact on our budgets and the
state's carbon footprint.  

Our school district is the first National Green Ribbon School
District in California and a leader in environmental education and
practice.  I have presented many aspects of this at a variety of
conferences.  I would be willing to meet or confer with anyone to
discuss these ideas further.  

Dr. Tony Knight
Oak Park Unified School District
Oak Park, CA  Ventura County 91377

Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2015-12-14 12:38:06

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