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Comment #14 for Dairy Subgroup 2 Comment Docket (for digester projects)
(dairysubgrp2-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Sal
Last Name: Caro
Email Address:
Subject Better methane to capture and convert methane into electronic power
An advanced methane and ammonia recovery system to capture and
process methane from diary cows to reduce the greenhouse gasses
which are presently exhausted into the environment. instead
converting the methane into electrical power. The system includes a
gas recovery system.
The methane and ammonia recovery system captures ammonia and
methane and converts the ammonia into fertilizer and methane into
energy. The system is designed to substantially reduce the amount
of greenhouse gases introduced into the environment, while
providing electrical power for the dairy.
Most of the methane produced by dairy cows comes from their month,
not their back-end. This system coupled with a good manure
management system could reduce the amount of methane introduced
into the environment by diaries by over 85%.  


Original File Name: Patent US20080289493 - Advanced Methane and Ammonia Recovery System.pdf

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2018-08-24 16:02:16

If you have any questions or comments please contact Office of the Ombudsman at (916) 327-1266.

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