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Comment #11 for 2022 Scoping Plan Update – Initial Air Quality & Health Impacts and Economic Analyses Results Workshop
(sp22-econ-health-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Anna
Last Name: Sergienko
Email Address:
SubjectIn the phrase, healthy wealthy and wise, healthy comes first

Stop prioritizing the economy. It does not matter. People are getting sicker and sicker and you are not doing enough to protect people and the enivronment. I see all this talk of being afraid of job loss. What will losing these jobs do that will make things worse than the suffering that is already happening? Housing is unattainable, everyone is forced to rent with no hope to buy. Healthcare is too expensive, most people will choose to suffer before facing a medical bill. Jobs do not pay enough. Most of all, the air is killing us. 2045 is way too late to help anyone. 2030 is already too late, it is the least that you can do.


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Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2022-04-28 10:01:56

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