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Comment #11 for Public Workshop Series to Commence Development of the 2022 Scoping Plan Update
(sp22-kickoff-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Tom
Last Name: Conlon
Email Address:
AffiliationTransition Sonoma Valley
SubjectARB leaders and staff should listen to Greta Thunberg
We are a precarious moment in history. With this 2022 Scoping Plan
Update, ARB has one last chance to remove the "gaps and loopholes"
cited by Greta Thunberg in her recent powerful speech (to the
Austrian World Summit 2021). If you only heard a soundbite from
this speech, it is worth watching all 7 minutes in context:

At ~4:00 minutes she emphasizes that we should stop "leaving out
emissions from imported goods, international aviation and shipping,
as well as the burning of biomass".

For more on the importance of correcting the incomplete "scope" of
the Scoping Plan, please see the comments filed by California River

Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2021-07-08 15:53:31

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