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Comment #15 for VW Supplement to their ZEV Investment Plan
(vw-zevinvestsup-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: LaRhonda
Last Name: Brown
Email Address:
Affiliation Carson Resident for 60 Years
SubjectElectrify America Grant (VW Settlement)
Dear CARB Leadership:
We urge you to expedite putting the consent decree with VW into
action through its subsidiary Electrify America as soon as
possible.  This will be critically important to the expansion of
electric vehicle charging infrastructure throughout the state.  In
particular, we rise to support the importance of Electrify America
investing in disadvantaged communities that have failed to
adequately benefit from other such programs.  Specifically, we
would like to draw CARB's attention to the proposal for Electrify
America to deploy EV charging infrastructure in the City of Carson,
California as a hallmark project that addresses all of the consent
decree imperatives for underserved and disadvantaged communities.

Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2017-07-13 09:18:59

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