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Comment #130 for 2013 Investment Plan for Cap-and-Trade Auction Proceeds
(2013investmentpln-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Karen
Last Name: Merchant-Yates
Email Address:
SubjectThe Use of CARB monies
We would really like to sustain and grow the communities we have
been building in these hard times with gasoline-free
transportation.  The closest we can get would be a rail
alternative.  And it should be affordable.

The extension to the 710 freeway does not show foresight - it is a
quick and dirty solution in my opinion, because it continues the
use of roads and trucks and gas while carving up communities.

To consider freeway extension should require independent scientific
studies, and impartial decision makers (*perhaps the UC Regents)and
adjustments should be made to include their input so that GHG
emissions would be substantially reduced and people could have
reasonable and affordable access to travel without cars.  Bike
lines, rail - these infrastructures take time to build but would
help us escape gasoline dependence.

Monies should be used for maintenance of what we have, not building
more that will then cost to be maintained - stop building our way
out of the problem and face it head on.
The public should be given an opportunity to give feedback and the
public perspectives should be included in the decision making
process.  The state agencies and boards involved with mass transit
at the local level have not been very open to input.

Thanks very much,


Karen Merchant Yates and Nick Yates

Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2013-03-07 18:15:34

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