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Comment #7 for The Investment Plan identifies priority investments to reduce GHG emissions
(3rdinvestmentplan-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Patrick
Last Name: Kane
Email Address:
SubjectInvestment Plans Comments
Central Sierra Connect Regional Broadband Consortium supports the
Comments filed by the California Emerging Technology Fund and urges
the California Air Resources Board to optimize Digital Inclusion in
funding from the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund.  Broadband is a
green strategy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and shrink the
carbon footprint of major infrastructure systems.
Central Sierra Connect knows first-hand the importance of closing
the Digital Divide.  We work to get disadvantaged communities
connected and low-income households online.  Over the course of our
work in the Central Sierra region, we see how the lack of broadband
availability in this rural area holds residents back from success.
They are unable to access educational and economic opportunities
other California residents have access to, merely because of where
they live. They face dangers due to the lack of access to broadband
internet - putting them at greater risk in medical emergencies and
disasters with fewer ways of being able to reach help. Thus, we
commend and endorse your focus on disadvantaged communities and
low-income households.
We also know that collaboration among stakeholders can produce
powerful partnerships.  We stand ready to assist you in
implementing the Third Investment Plan and helping meet the
greenhouse gas emission reduction goals for the State of
Patrick Kane
Program Manager
Central Sierra Connect
Amador Tuolumne Community Action Agency

Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2018-09-13 15:58:53

If you have any questions or comments please contact Office of the Ombudsman at (916) 327-1266.

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