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Comment #15 for Volkswagen Settlement - California ZEV Investments
(vw-zevinvest-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Charlie
Last Name: Bogue
Email Address:
AffiliationWind + Wing Technologies
SubjectVW Green City - ZEV Transit Opportunities
To Whom It May Concern,

This is a comment for the record regarding Volkswagen’s Zero
Emission Vehicle Investment Commitment, and how those funds may be
applied or appropriated. More specifically, our comment applies to
the “Green City” section of the commitment, and within that we are
focused on the ZEV transit applications and ZEV freight

At Wind + Wing Technology we have already completed a demonstration
of our Wind Assist technology in collaboration with ARB and the
BAAQMD through the AQIP program for a ferry demonstration on the
San Francisco Bay. From the success of that project we now have a
second demonstration vessel in design and construction for launch
in Summer 2017, as well as ongoing conversations and contract
negotiations with multiple clients for Zero Emission US Coast Guard
certified vessel applications in California (utilizing electric and
wind-assist hybrid propulsion). In addition, we have developed an
application for the same Wind-Assist technology to be adapted for
the maritime freight transport applications.

As we have developed this market and identified the need for Zero
Emissions transit alternatives for both public and freight sectors,
there are a number of applications that are applicable in
California. In addition Volkswagen has a distinct need to improve
their market appeal and their corporate image by moving in the Zero
Emission direction. While these alternatives are not related to
Zero Emission Vehicles per se, we feel strongly that given that the
categories were already created under the Green City commitment,
that there is a ripe opportunity for a win-win development of the
Zero Emission maritime transportation market. 

With funding from VW, we would quickly be able to scale our
operations and provide exponential near-term benefits for improving
the emissions for multiple communities simultaneously. We are
unclear exactly how the Green City is chosen, or how the transit
options fit within that city chosen, but feel that ferry and
passenger transportation can benefit a wide range of population
that travel to various destinations in California from port to

We are available for any questions or clarification, and thank you
for your time to include this in consideration.


Charlie Bogue
Director of Market Development and Strategy

Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2016-12-14 09:16:30

If you have any questions or comments please contact Office of the Ombudsman at (916) 327-1266.

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