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Comment #18 for Comment docket for March 29, 2022 workshop on dairies
(dairywkshp220329-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Theresa
Last Name: Johnson
Email Address:
SubjectIowans won't benefit from the Manure Gold Rush
Methane Digesters are nothing but a Greenwashing scheme. Factory
farms need to be dismantled and outlawed, not encouraged to become
bigger by the law passed by the Iowa legislature last year, HF522.
HF522 allows factory farms to increase their herd size if they
install a methane digester, but while the methane travels to
California, the manure STAYS IN IOWA, polluting our land, air, and
water. The water, of course, doesn't stay in Iowa--it travels into
the Mississippi River and into the Gulf of Mexico, where it creates
huge dead zones. 

Let's face facts. There is nothing "renewable" about methane gas
from factory farms.

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Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2022-04-03 22:43:33

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