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Comment #2 for Scoping Plan Update Discussion Draft and Workshop Comments Log
(draft-update-sp-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Bruce
Last Name: French
Email Address:
SubjectAB 32 Scoping Plan- Comments
Upon reviewing the AB32 Scoping Plan, I noticed that it was "lean"
on defined verification, auditing and enforcement.  The CARB
position of allowing companies to self-report and verify is a naïve
policy as it leaves too much room for producing an annual set of
bogus data.  It is imperative that this program be of the highest
quality and that can only be attained and maintained through
unbiased, independent auditing and enforcement with a well-defined
penalty schedule. The enforcement division must be fully-staffed
and funded by the legislature at least through the year 2100.

As for the state's clean energy program, I offer the following
initiatives for consideration and implementation:

1-Take immediate action to eliminate all subsidies and allowances
related to fossil fuels and ethanol; divert all fuel tax-related
revenues to clean energy technologies 
2-Authorize all utilities to enact a Feed In Tariff program to
allow unlimited electric power input to the grid by "non-carbon
-fuels" energy technologies. See the example  2013 FIT program at:
3-Accelerate the deployment of Ocean Current/Wave  Electric
Generators by authorizing significant incentives (15-years
"zero-tax" moratorium) for private investors to make sales on the
grid: ) 
4-Authorize significant incentives to accelerate the deployment of
a fleet of offshore, deep-water Ocean Thermal Energy Conversions
Plants to produce electricity, hydrogen and methanol for delivery
to state ports and grid: 
5-Accelerate the R&D efforts to exploit deep ocean hydrothermal
vents for energy conversion to hydrogen, methanol and electricity
and issue an open/renewable state Purchase Order for 10 GW
equivalents of energy from this sector to stimulate commercial
investment anywhere along the 50,000 KM Ring-of-Fire. See NOAA
VENTS Program: ; the UN
International Seabed Authority at: ; and, US
6-Immediately initiate action items to make all major state
highways fully-accessible to electric and fuel-cell vehicles by
7-Halt all development of local and state government properties and
assets on low-lying coastal lands subject to a sea level rise of 24
8-Plan to relocate all water and sewage treatment plants, plumbing,
landfills, and hazardous materials to a land elevation greater than
15 feet NGVD by 2050 to avoid problems due to sea level rise 
9-Support, fund and promote a large-scale R&D program ($50 M/yr)
for low energy nuclear reactions (LENR) technology in the state;
provide a 20-yr tax-free incentives program for commercialization
of viable reactors and products for the state's wholesale and
retail markets. Designate SRI's-McKubre as the Chairman on a Board
of Technical R&D Advisors. Contacts: 
Dr. Graham Hubler (University of Missouri)
Dr. Peter L. Hagelstein (MIT, USA)
Dr. George Miley (University of Illinois - Urbana Champaign, USA)
Dr. Michael McKubre (Stanford Research Institute International)
Dr. Frank Gordon (SPAWAR (retired), US Navy) Dr. David J. Nagel
(George Washington University, USA)
Examples:   and 
10-Provide a 20-year tax-free incentives program to all companies
investing in commercial production of electricity from inland,
geothermal resources

An idea submitted to the Bicameral Task Force on Climate Change
submitted in July 2013 is attached for consideration and support in

Original File Name: National Incentive Plan 6-2013.pdf

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2013-10-02 10:55:22

If you have any questions or comments please contact Office of the Ombudsman at (916) 327-1266.

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