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Comment #1 for Auction Proceeds Funding Guidelines
(ggrf-guidelines-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: David
Last Name: Schonbrunn
Email Address:
SubjectLife-Cycle Analysis
TRANSDEF's only concern with these Guidelines is its silence on the
scope of required quantification. The Guidelines need to contain a
strong statement that the quantification procedure must include the
emissions for the full life-cycle of the proposed project or

It is only by measuring the full life-cycle emissions that it will
be possible to determine the proposed project's or program's net
contribution to global climate change.  

We believe this request to be consistent with existing ARB
practice. The requirement needs to be explicitly stated.

Thank you,

--David Schonbrunn.
President, TRANSDEF

Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2015-06-21 18:23:04

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