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Comment #2 for Public Input on Cap-and-Trade Auction Proceeds Second Investment Plan
(investplan2-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Kim
Last Name: Springer
Email Address:
AffiliationCounty of San Mateo
SubjectCap and Trade Proceeds
As a program manager for multiple resource conservation and climate
action programs in coordination with the 20 cities and the county
in San Mateo County, I am trying to accomplish, at the County
level, what you, the CARB is trying to accomplish at the State
level, reduction of GHG emissions and pollution, shared equity,
economic development, and sustainable use of our natural resources
for our and future generations.
I am not alone. Every year I meet more and more program
coordinator-level staff from other cities and counties in the
state, basically all working on the same goals.
These programs and their funding needs have changed, just like your
(the State's) programs and funding needs have changed. We all now
work under a new umbrella, climate change!
Addressing climate change knows few boundaries, and this includes
funding sources. Gone are the days of the need to fund just
energy-, water-, solid waste-, transportation-, pollution
prevention-, equity-, or economic-related issues. Approaching the
"players" to implement the much needed changes in how we work and
live is more cost- and time-effective if we combine these sources
and opportunities into cohesive programs.
That's where Cap and Trade funds come in. This, the grand CARB
source of funding, and it's also cohesive or "un-siloed". But, as
soon as CARB doles out the fund, to a specialized agency to grant
out the funds, they are less so or completely, again, siloed.
I urge the ARB to set aside a large percentage of funds for modern,
cost- and time-effective programs, such as the California Green
Business Program, which addresses all issues and opportunities in
one cohesive, un-siloed program. Support the many small businesses
in CA in their participation in the climate solution, the economic
well-being of their business and community and the health of their
Set aside funds in the ARB Spending Plan for the CA Green Business
Program and other comprehensive programs that provide value to
small business in CA, or direct one of the recipient agencies to
work with the CA Green Business Program.

Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2015-11-04 10:08:25

If you have any questions or comments please contact Office of the Ombudsman at (916) 327-1266.

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