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Comment #2 for Workshop on NWL Carbon Sequestration Modeling for Scoping Plan
(sp2030nwlmodeling-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Matt
Last Name: Gregori
Email Address:
SubjectComments on Natural and Working Lands C Sequestration Model
Can cost be included in the model? I.e. different management
practices have different costs. Those differences affect tge
viability of certain practices. Also, it will allow comparison to
other sequestration technologies.

What management practices were considered? Is it possible to
include practices that are not available now but may be available
in 5-10 years? E.g. land application of biochar (from pyrolysis of
biomass) to farmland.

Future presentations should clearly state the goal of the model. If
there are targets for increasing carbon stocks, those should be
stated clearly as well. 


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Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2016-12-15 11:16:27

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