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Comment #19 for 2030 Target Scoping Plan Discussion Draft
(sp2030disc-dec16-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Christopher
Last Name: Hilger
Email Address:
Subjectcomment on 2030 target scoping plan
Thank you for leading in the fight to mitigate climate change. 

Please consider engaging in greater analysis of employing a carbon
tax (Section E Alternative 2 Carbon Tax, pages 95-7 of the draft.) 
It is true that there would be difficulties, but there may be more
benefits than difficulties.  British Columbia's carbon tax worked
quite well during the years that it went up, incrementally, from
2008 to 2012.  Inflation as well as the relatively small amount of
the tax are factors that go a long way towards explaining British
Columbia's present ineffectiveness. A carbon tax can be imposed
upstream and would therefore be felt throughout the entire economy.
 A carbon tax would be better for business, since it would lead to
greater price predictability than a cap and trade system.  Although
I don't know how a carbon tax rather than cap and trade would
affect California's affiliation with Quebec's cap and trade system,
there is greater potential for partnering with far more
jurisdictions since a carbon tax is so much easier and cheaper to
employ than cap and trade systems are.  The revenue from the tax
would be so much more predictable than the revenue from cap and
trade.  Possibly most important, carbon tax revenue could be
returned to households, thereby affording household the means to
adjust to higher energy prices resulting from the tax. This last
benefit of a carbon tax can be done transparently and without any

Most Respectfully,

Chris Hilger


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Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2016-12-14 20:01:57

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